

We transform your idea into a perfectly designed and engineered software product.

İsmet Kızgın Mar 21, 24

For database administrators and developers, understanding, analyzing, and improving SQL queries, enhancing database performance, and optimizing data integration processes are extremely important. In this article, we will be providing examples using PostgreSQL.

İsmet Kızgın Mar 13, 24

Before we dive into the “clean code” subject, we’d like to make a suggestion. It is our professional opinion that every software developer should consider reading 'Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship' by Robert Cecil Martin.

Osman Orhan Feb 21, 24

Enterprises today are inundated with data, yet much of its potential remains untapped.

Begüm Atılgan Jan 18, 24

The journey through 2023 at BREW has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with moments of growth, innovation, and the creation of lasting connections.

Begüm Atılgan Nov 15, 23

I want to share with you how we, at BREW, conceptualized a new software product, built it, formed a dedicated team for it, and aided our team members in navigating new career paths.

Gökçen Öğütçü Sep 18, 23

Tailscale is a Wireguard (r) based networking tool that allows access to your private resources. It creates encrypted tunnels between your resources with almost zero-config and works out-of-the-box.

Semih Elarslan Aug 31, 23

It is obvious that mobile app development does not have clear, established rules. The background for success in mobile app development...

Selin Çelik Jul 07, 23

Have you ever wondered why UX researchers make use of personas during the design and development stages? To unfamiliar eyes, making use of personas in the research…

Beste Çağın Ağırdağ Apr 07, 23

I had worked as a lawyer for quite some time before changing careers and joining BREW. What makes a career sustainable is the happiness, satisfaction and productivity you can derive from it.

Semih Elarslan Oct 03, 22

The research process is the primary one among the most critical processes of product design. Especially when it comes to the design of a product from…

Team Work Jul 02, 22

What are the clues of a to-the-point design and software brief? We witness an increase in corporations’ need for digital transformation day by day, especially after the pandemic. When looked into the last 12 years…

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